Need Your Vote – One Web Day Posters

September 14, 2009 § 42 Comments

On One Web Day, we want to spread ‘i ❤ the web’ posters all over the planet. We’ve received some great community designs for this campaign. To pick the top three posters, we need you to vote and comment on the designs below.

As context, the idea is for people to share a picture of themselves with the poster, something like this:

One Web Day Poster

The goal: get huge numbers of pictures like this up on Flickr to get people thinking about how precious the web is. We want a page describing the campaign live by mid-week. Please vote today (Monday) by indicating which poster you like most by commenting on this post.

Design #1

Design #1

Design #3

Design #2

Design #3

Design #3

Design #4

Design #4

Design #5

Design #5

§ 42 Responses to Need Your Vote – One Web Day Posters

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